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Smarter Packing For Your Instrumentation Rental Business

More and more providers of Test and Measurement equipment are renting out those systems. Protecting their investment against loss or damage while in the customer’s hands is a real concern. Loss due to handling and shipping conditions while out on rental, non-return of some components, and other factors, can really steal profit. In recent years, as the rental concept has gained popularity, more and more providers have gone to a hard-shelled case and foam insert for their equipment rental markets. They are finding some real advantages over what may have been a simple box with some random interior filler.

There are many cost savings and product management reasons to consider a different approach. Here are just a few:

Ensured Product Protection
Your equipment is expensive and often exposed to rough handling environments. An engineered package of cushioning foam inside a rugged exterior shell can keep your product safe from shock and vibration while in use outside your facility.

The exterior case and the foam interior are designed to be rugged and durable enough to be used over and over again, making each individual use a cost-effective solution.

Organization of Content
Equipment is typically rented as a system composed of several items. The interior foam layout provides an obvious place for each component, making it very easy to quickly identify if there may be something missing.

Adaptability and Low Initial Set Up Costs
Up front “one-time charges” and engineering are normally a lot less than one may think. This not only allows easy and affordable entry into the program but, as the need for revisions arises, interior configuration can be changed quickly and inexpensively.

If damage to returned equipment, the need to replace missing packaging, or missing components is a concern, you may want to try this approach. A case and insert solution may be right for you. From construction to mining safety to environmental detection, many Test and Measurement system providers have gone to this solution to help them better manage their equipment rental business.