Quality Management
This information is intended to provide our valued customers a written understanding of The B.B. Bradley Company’s position on ISO/QS certification. It further provides an awareness of the Quality Management System (QMS) in place at The B.B. Bradley Company that establishes the framework that defines our operating guidelines and our measurement towards its compliance. Presently, The B.B. Bradley Company is not an ISO/QS certified organization and efforts are currently not underway to qualify for this certification. In our continuing effort of service and support to our broad customer base, it has become apparent to The B.B. Bradley Company that drafting a document establishing our position on ISO/QS certification would be of use to certain customers.
The Quality Management System (QMS) we designed, developed and implemented provides the foundation for the operating parameters of our organization. It was established to provide documented organizational operating guidelines in order to support the unique proprietary nature of our business and the proprietary products we design and produce with the variability inherent to the techniques and practices therein. In as much as our QMS is designed around the nature of our business, it is continually monitored and audited to assure conformance with an awareness of ISO/QS standards and their associated core requirements. This awareness of the core requirements as stipulated by ISO/QS is further supported and leveraged off of our current resident staff and supervisory level personnel with over 20+ years of collective ISO/QS experience through their previous employment at other successful ISO/QS certified companies.
The B.B. Bradley QMS Program documents through written procedures and flow charts, via our enterprise wide management system, all critical aspects of our company’s operational practices from receipt of sales orders through engineering design and handoff to manufacturing, purchasing, administration and invoicing. This methodology, we believe, through execution and traceability, results in a closed loop and seamless process where internal customer and supplier relationships toward quality execution are understood and practiced. This internal recording further supports Management Reviews, Audit Processes, a Corrective Action Program and required Documentation showing evidence of proper and timely execution of the QMS. This we believe parallels what are considered to be the four pillars (or four legs of the stool) of ISO.
We further hope, with the assurance our upper-management supported QMS provides and as we continue to exhibit the required capability to satisfy the needs of our customers, ISO/QS certification does not become a stumbling block towards our mutual success and satisfaction. The B.B. Bradley Company feels strongly that our QMS Program supports both our own internal requirements of a well defined and documented quality system, along with the ability to show our customers documented evidence, as the need arises, of continuous execution in support of the goals of our QMS.